A la example sentences
Of the total production taking place in the economy a large number of products don't end up in final consumption and are not capital goods either.The wholesalers take care of the distribution of goods to a number of retailers who, in turn, sell to large number of customers spread over a large geographical area.Although a large section of people suffer from food and nutrition insecurity in India, the worst affected groups are landless people with little or no land to depend upon, traditional artisans, providers of traditional services, petty selfemployed workers and destitutes including beggars.Jamsetji Tata had decided to spend a large part of his fortune to build a big iron and steel industry in India.This is usually a large building with many floors that has shops, restaurants and, at times, even a cinema theatre.A large proportion of pregnant and nursing mothers and children under the age of 5 years constitute an important segment of the food insecure population.Mehta wants to write-off a larger amount in earlier years.The land and property of Muslims was confiscated on a large scale and they were treated with suspicion and hostility.Another moment until the spaghetti is done; there I am, whistling the prelude to Rossini's La Gazza Ladra along with the FM radio.There is a lack of standardised definitions of various concepts used in ratio analysis.They were surprised to see a large number of bright stars in the sky.A large number of studies confirm a consistently positive relationship between physical fitness and health.In this type of farming, a single crop is grown on a large area.A large number of families could buy foodgrains from the ration shops subject to a fixed quota.There are some countries which are situated in the tropical region; they possess a large number of the world's species diversity.
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